Monday, June 6, 2011

Working on ISLE stuff

Today I decided to dedicate the majority of my time in sorting out various ISLE issues. I worked on the adaptation of the learning scenarios so that they fit the specific needs of the project and I prepared a draft version of both the template for the description of the educational scenarios and the activities, as well as the template for the presentation of these scenarios. I really hope that I will succeed in presenting the concept of educational scenarios during the ISLE 3rd project meeting / Summer School, which will take place in Malta, between July 4-8, 2011.

I find the idea of educational scenarios really interesting and I have already supported it in various cases (such as the educational scenarios of Organic.Edunet & the training scenarios of eCOTOOL and CerOrganic). I am willing to work hard in order to succeed in promoting educational scenarios in the case of ISLE network as well.

In addition, I took over the Greek translation of another survey which is to be circulated by the network to potential stakeholders, in order to evaluate the status of "Professional Practice and Sustainable Development" in each participating country. It's a good thing that I managed to complete this task in time!

There are also some additional questionnaires about the status of Sustainable Development in the various universities around Europe. The links to these three surveys (for Academic staff, Academic Institutions and Students) were forwarded to key-persons, hoping that they will provide us with their responses based on their experience. 

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