Tuesday, May 24, 2011

CerOrganic ToT School - Day 2

Day 2 of the school is now over. It seemed really hard to cope up with all these personal presentations (09.00-13.30) in a row, but everything went well in the end. The following topics were presented:

  1. Using Open Educational Resoures to Support Scenarios
  2. The Organic.Edunet Web portal
  3. Elaboration and adaptation of Organic Farmer Scenario (activities & resources)
  4. Preparation of Organic Farmer Scenario Presentation

The participants seemed really interested about the training scenarios concept and the various sources of relevant information (such as the Organic.Edunet Web portal).

An additional presentation followed after lunch by Xenia Arapi from TUC/MUSIC, describing the various features of the MOLE portal.

The existence of interactive sessions greatly helped in this direction, as I had the opportunity to interrupt these presentations with hands-on exercises (such as the description of training scenarios and activities, searching for resources in portals etc). Even though my presentations included screenshots and animations, I think that some additional would greatly help in making them more enjoyable for the participants.

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