Sunday, January 5, 2014

The relation between success and a Facebook account

Today I came across this tweet from a really funny account:
Then I thought that it is not only funny but also presents an interesting aspect; is really Facebook taking too much of our (precious) time? Is it worth spending quality time on Facebook (and other social media sites)?
Even for our daily routine, Facebook is a useful tool for disseminating our projects and their outcomes, present the updates of our work, share interesting links with people who usually belong to a common group or follow a page. It is a common practice to create a Facebook page or group for each one of our projects and use it to attract people who also use Facebook for professional reasons. I can recall the Facebook pages for agINFRAOrganic.EdunetVOA3ROrganic.Balkanet and of course ISLE (one of the most dynamic project pages), while we also maintain the Green Ideas Project page and the one for the Green Hackathon. Of course Agro-Know has its own Facebook page, which was rather recently launched and is now frequently updated.
On the other hand, Facebook started as a social media site which everyone used for sharing mostly their personal updates, personal photos etc. I notice that sometimes when I log in to Facebook to share a project update in the corresponding page, I see some notifications that I want to check, messages that I would like to respond etc. Generally, I believe that one could spend hours and more hours on Facebook for browsing news, updates and even chat. As a result, I tend to avoid using Facebook even for professional purposes, at least during the most productive hours of the day.
After all, Nikos and Giannis, both AK CEOs and people that I personally consider successful, do not have Facebook accounts (ok, Giannis has one, but it seems to be in hibernation). Is it just a coincidence or a fact, according to the aforementioned tweet? Have they consciously chosen to refrain from spending even the slightest amount of time in this social network and instead focus on their professional goals or are they just too busy to notice the Facebook avalanche?

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